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IsimSoftware Safety Scoredisplay

isimSoftware Safety Scoredisplay

Keep track of consecutive accident-free days in an affordable way. The purpose of such a sign is to remind all the employees that safety comes first, while also displaying how many days have passed since the last work-related incident. 

These personalized warning signs can be physical score boards, or they can just be computer programs, like Digital Safety Scoreboard Software.
Digital Safety Scoreboard Software automatically counts accident-free days in your workplace
Single location mode & Multi location mode

Keep track of consecutive accident-free days in an affordable way.
Safety scoreboard automatically counts accident-free days in your workplace
Single location mode & Multi location mode
The counter automatically increases every day.
Even if the computer is switched off for a certain time, the counter will continue operating by calculating days from the accident day.
If you want, you can use app on second monitor by dragging and work on primary monitor.

Creation date: 24.02.2022 14:08 (isimsoftwareadmin)      Updated: 2.09.2022 13:42 (isimsoftwareadmin)
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Isimsoftware Safety Scoredisplay.rar
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Isimsoftware Safety Scoredisplay.zip
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